Title (english) The significance of urine protein to creatine ratio in the ferrets,
Author Magdalena Bogović
Mentor Mirna Brkljačić (mentor)
Committee member Gabrijela Jurkić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirna Brkljačić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Matijatko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nada Kučer (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Abstract Analiza urina jedan je od najkorisnijih dijagnostičkih alata za praćenje zdravstvenog stanja u
veterinarskoj medicini. Brza je, jeftina i lako dostupna metoda dijagnostike koja se koristi pri
dijagnostici renalnih, ali i ne-renalnih poremećaja. Osim što se svakodnevno koristi u pasa i
mačaka, njen značaj je sve veći i u dijagnostici poremećaja urogenitalnog sustava u pitomih
vretica. Patološke promjene urogenitalnog sustava pitomih vretica gotovo su jednake onima u
ostalih domaćih mesojeda. Kao najčešća metoda ranog otkrivanja proteinurije u pasa i mačaka,
koristi se metoda omjera proteina i kreatinina u mokraći (UPCR) čija značajnost u pitomih
vretica do sada nije istražena niti je poznat referentni raspon. Stoga je cilj ovog diplomskog
rada bio pregledom arhivskih podataka pitomih vretica zaprimljenih u Kliniku za unutarnje
bolesti Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u razdoblju od 01.01.2015. do 01.01.
2023. istražiti odstupanja u laboratorijskim nalazima zdravih i bolesnih pitomih vretica i
značajnost UPCR-a. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 29 jedinki s podjednakim omjerom
spolova. Dobiveni podatci obrađeni su deskriptivnim statističkim metodama pomoću programa
Microsoft Excel 2021 te statistika 14.0. (TIBCO Software Inc.). Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
korišten je za utvrđivanje pri normalnoj raspodjeli, dok je za testiranje razlika između skupina
zdravih i bolesnih jedinki korišten je Mann-Whitney-ev U test. Prosječna dob bila je 4,93 ±
1,81 godine, a prosječna tjelesna masa 1,05 kg ± 0,37 kg. Najčešće bolesti u pitomih vretica
bile su inzulinom i poremećaji urogenitalnog sustava, a najčešći simptom od strane
urogenitalnog sustava bila je anurija. Statistički značajna razlika između zdravih i bolesnih
pitomih vretica zabilježena je u broju eritrocita (p=0,022), koncentraciji hemoglobina
(p=0,040) i ureje (p=0,028) te aktivnosti gama-glutamil transferaze (p=0,008). U 75,86%
zabilježeni su eritrociti u urinu bez obzira na neinvazivno uzorkovanje. Uočena je razlika u
koncentraciji proteina u mokraći obzirom na spol (u korist mužjaka), ali ne i u specifičnoj težini
urina. Prosječna vrijednost UPCR-a bila je 3,28, a referentni raspon za UPCR nije bilo moguće
odrediti. Vrijednosti UPCR-a u jedinki s urogenitalnim poremećajima bile su razmjerno više u
odnosu na vrijednosti UPCR-a u pitomih vretica s drugim bolestima pa je izgledno da je
vrijednost UPCR-a, bez obzira na fiziološki moguću proteinuriju, važan i koristan dijagnostički
parametar u pitomih vretica s urogenitalnim poremećajima.
Abstract (english) Urinalysis is one of the most useful diagnostic tools for health monitoring in veterinary
medicine. It is a fast, cheap and easily available diagnostic method that is used in the diagnosis
of renal and non-renal disorders. In addition to being used daily in dogs and cats, its importance
is also increasing in the diagnosis of urogenital system disorders in ferrets. Disorders of
urogenital system of ferrets are similar as those in other domestic carnivores. As the most
common method of early proteinuria detection in dogs and cats, the urine protein-to-creatinine
ratio (UPCR) is used, the significance of which has not yet been investigated in ferrets, nor is
the reference range known. Therefore, the aim of this research was to review the data of ferrets
admitted to the Clinic for Internal Medicine of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University
of Zagreb from January 1st 2015 till January 1st 2023 and to investigate discrepancies in
laboratory findings of healthy and diseased ferrets and the significance of UPCR. 29 ferrets
were included in the research with sexes being equally represented. The obtained data were
processed with descriptive statistical methods using Microsoft Excel 2021 and statistics 14.0.
(TIBCO Software Inc.). The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to determine the normality
of the distribution, while the Mann-Whitney U test was used to test the differences between
groups of healthy and diseased individuals. The average age was 4,93 ± 1,81 years, the average
body mass was 1,05 kg ± 0,37 kg, with equal gender ratio. The most common diseases were
insulinoma and urogenital system disorders with anuria being the most common symptom. A
statistically significant difference between healthy and diseased ferrets was recorded in the
number of erythrocytes (p=0.022), hemoglobin (p=0.040) and urea concentration (p=0.028)
and gamma-glutamyl transferase activity (p=0.008). In 75,86%, erythrocytes were detected in
the urine regardless of non-invasive sampling. A difference was observed regarding the urine
protein concentration according to gender (in favor of males), but not in the urine specific
gravity. The average value of UPCR was 3,28, and the reference range for UPCR could not be
determined. UPCR values in ferrets with urogenital disorders were relatively higher compared
to UPCR values in ferrets with other diseases, which indicates the importance of UPCR as a
diagnostically important parameter.
analiza urina
referentni raspon
Keywords (english)
urine analysis
reference range
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:178:196242
Study programme Title: Veterinary Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine (doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-06-26 11:27:55