Abstract | Teratomi su rijetki tumori zametnih stanica heterogene građe zbog porijekla njihovih
tkiva iz svih triju zametnih listića: ektoderma, mezoderma i endoderma. U pasa i mačaka
gotovo se uvijek javljaju na jajnicima i testisima, a prema biološkom ponašanju najčešće su
benigni zreli teratomi. Maligni ili nezreli i monodermalni teratomi dijagnosticiraju se znatno
rjeđe. Patogeneza teratoma do danas nije razjašnjena, već se temelji na raznim teorijama
poput partenogenetske teorije, teorije o neoplastičnoj proliferaciji sekvestriranih totipotentnih
stanica i incomplete twinning teorije nastanka teratoma. Ovakvi tumori mogu izazvati kliničku
sliku poput abdominalne distenzije, abdominalne boli i ascitesa u ženskih životinja i
kriptorhidnih mužjaka. U nekriptorhidnih mužjaka može se javiti povećanje testisa i skrotuma
te bolnost, no teratomi često mogu biti i asimptomatski zbog svojeg dobroćudnog biološkog
ponašanja pri čemu se na razudbi otkriju kao slučajan nalaz. Može se pretpostaviti da se češće
pojavljuje u pasa, nego u mačaka, kao i u ženskih životinja češće, nego u muških.
Lokalizacija teratoma bila je češća na lijevom jajniku. Od prepoznatih struktura tijekom
patohistološke pretrage najčešće su se javljali epidermis, dermis, apokrine kožne žlijezde,
lojne žlijezde te neuroni i glija stanice podrijetlom ektoderma, zatim hrskavica, kosti, masno
tkivo te mišićje podrijetlom mezoderma i na kraju trepetljikavi respiratorni i urogenitalni
epitel te intestinalne žlijezde diferencirani iz endoderma. |
Abstract (english) | Teratomas are rare germ cell tumors characterized by heterogeneous structures
originating from all three germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. In dogs and cats,
these tumors almost always occur in the ovaries and testes and are most often benign mature
teratomas. Malignant or immature teratomas, as well as monodermal teratomas, are diagnosed
much less frequently. The pathogenesis of teratomas remains unclear and is based on various
theories, including the parthenogenetic theory, the theory of neoplastic proliferation of
sequestered totipotent cells, and the "incomplete twinning" theory of teratoma formation.
These tumors can cause clinical symptoms such as abdominal distension, abdominal pain, and
ascites in female animals and cryptorchid males. In non-cryptorchid males, symptoms may
include testicular and scrotal enlargement and pain. However, teratomas can often be
asymptomatic due to their benign biological behavior and may be discovered incidentally
during dissection. It can be assumed that teratomas occur more frequently in dogs than in cats
and more often in females than in males. The localization of teratomas was found to be more
frequent in the left ovary. During pathohistological examination, the most commonly
recognized structures included epidermis, dermis, apocrine skin glands, sebaceous glands,
neurons, and glial cells derived from ectoderm. Structures derived from mesoderm included
cartilage, bones, adipose tissue, and muscle. Lastly, structures differentiated from endoderm
included ciliated respiratory and urogenital epithelium and intestinal glands. |