Abstract | U intenzivnom sustavu proizvodnje, kako mlijecnih tako i mesnih pasmina koza, kao
što je primjerice burska koza, cesto se javlja problem da su životinje ili premršave ili pretile.
Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je odrediti utjecaj tjelesne kondicije na koncentraciju biokemijskih
pokazatelja tijekom gravidnosti, porodaja te 30-og i 60-og dana nakon porodaja u burskih
koza smještenih u nastambama u blizini Durdevca, na obroncima Bilogore. Istraživanje je
trajalo nekoliko mjeseci i provedeno je na ukupno petnaest koza burske pasmine, starosti od
2-7 godina. Životinje su držane intenzivno, s mogucnošcu ispusta. Koze su nakon jarenja
držane zajedno s jaradi, od jarenja do završetka istraživanja. Ocjena tjelesne kondicije (BCS)
odredena je uporabom standardnih protokola prema skali od 1 do 5, nakon cega su koze
svrstane u 3 skupine: I. skupina –pretile (BCS 3,5-5), II. skupina- srednjeg gojnog stanja
(BCS 2,75-3,50) i III. skupina – mršave (BCS 2,75). Biokemijskim analizama utvrdili
smo koncentracije ukupnih proteina, albumina, triglicerida, kolesterola, BHB-a i glukoze u 3
skupine burskih koza 120-og dana gravidnosti, neposredno nakon porodaja te 30-og i 60-og
dana nakon porodaja. Statisticki su se znacajno (p<0,05) razlikovale vrijednosti triglicerida
120-og dana gravidnosti (izmedu I. i II. skupine), ukupnih proteina 30-og dana nakon partusa
(izmedu I. i III. skupine) i kolesterola 60-og dana nakon partusa (izmedu I. i III. skupine).
Buduci da unatoc znacajnoj razlici izmedu razine ukupnih proteina izmedu I. i III. skupine
nije ustanovljena znacajna razlika u razini albumina za sve tri skupine, pretpostavka je da je
razlog tomu povecanje koncentracije globulina prouzroceno akutnim upalnim i/ili stresnim
stanjem, 30-og dana nakon partusa u III. skupini koza. Analizom biokemijskih pokazatelja
tijekom gravidnosti i neposredno nakon porodaja te za vrijeme i nakon puerperija dajemo
doprinos boljem razumijevanju metabolickih promjena burskih koza u tim fiziološkim
stadijima. |
Abstract (english) | One of the major problems in the intensive production system of dairy and meat goat
breeds, such as the Boer goat, is the variation of body condition which influences the quality
of final products and economic benefit. The aim of our study was to determine the influence
of body condition on serum concentration of biochemical parameters from late pregnancy
until the period of maximal lactation in the Boer goat located in the area of Durdevac, on the
hills of Bilogora. The research lasted for several months and was conducted on fifteen goats
of Boer breed, aged between 2-7 years. The animals were kept intensively, with the
possibility of good pasture. Goats were kept together with kids from kidding until the end of
the study. Body condition score (BCS) was determined using the standard protocols according
to the scale from 1 to 5, after which goats were classified into 3 groups : Group I - obese
animals (BCS 3.5-5) , group II - intermediate condition (BCS 2.75 to 3.50) and group III -
thin condition (BCS 2.75). The concentrations of total proteins, albumin, triglycerides,
cholesterol, BHB and glucose were measured in the three groups of Boer goats on the 120th
day of pregnancy, at birth and on the 30th and 60th day after birth. Significant differences
(p<0.05) in triglycerides concentration on the 120th day of pregnancy (between I. and II.
group), total proteins concentration on the 30th day after birth (between I. and III. group) and
cholesterol concentration on the 60th day after parturition (between I. and III. group) were
found. Despite the significant difference in the serum level of total proteins between I. and III.
groups, there was no significant difference in the albumin concentration among the three
investigated groups. Therefore, we have assumed that the reason for this is an increased
globulin concentration on the 30th day after birth in III. group of goats probably caused by
acute inflammation and/or stressful event. The analysis of biochemical parameters from late
pregnancy until the period of maximal lactation could contribute to a better understanding of
metabolic changes in Boer goats in these physiological stages |