Abstract | Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je ukratko opisati glavni uzrok oronasalne fistule,
dijagnosticke metode i metode kiruškog lijecenja.
Oronazalna fistula oznacava postojanje nefiziološke komunikacije izmedu usne i nosne
Uzroci mogu biti nasljedne i kongenitalne oronazalne fistule mogu biti genske prirode,
utjecaj hormona, toksicnih ili prehrambenih cimbenika tijekom prve polovine
intrauterinog razvoja. Uzroci stecene oronazalne fistule su: traume, posebno tupe traume
te prostrelne rane, paradontalne bolesti, najcešce bolesti zubiju i njihove okoline,
popraceni lizom kostiju zubnih aveola, neoplazije koja zahvacaju svod usne šupljine
Simptomi kod kongenitalne oronasalne fistule su otežano sisanje, pojava mlijeka na
nosnicama i sekundarna infekcija dišnog sustava (rinitis, traheitis,aspiracijska
Simptomi kod stecene oronasalne fistule su kihanje, sekret iz jedne ili obje nosnice,
pojacano suzenje, krvarenje iz nosa i sekundarne infekcije dišnog sustava.
Dijagnostika se postavlja na temelju anamneze, sondiranja, peridontalnog džepa,
regurgitacije, rendgenografija(RTG), magnetska rezonaca (MR), kompjuterizirana
tomografija (CT).
Terapija primjenom antibiotika i kiruško lijecenje. Uvijek je potrebno osigurati adekvatnu
postoperativnu analgeziju i higijenu usne šupljine.
Sekundarne komplikacije u lijecenju oronasalne fistule su : infekcija, dehiscencija šavova,
nesraštavanje režnja zbog loše prokrvljenosti, odbacivanje režnja kao stranog tijela. |
Abstract (english) | The goal of this diploma is to describe the main cause of oronasal fistulas, diagnostic
techniques and methods of surgery treatment.
An oronasal fistula is an abnormal comunication between the oral and nasal cavities.
The causes of oronazal fistula can be hereditary and congenital, genetic in nature, the impact
of hormones, toxic or nutritional factors during the first half of intrauterine development.
Causes of acquired oronazal fistulas are: trauma, especially blunt trauma and gunshot wounds,
periodontal disease, the most common diseases of the teeth and their environment,
accompanied by lysis of bone dental aveo, neoplasia that involve vault mouth.
Symptoms in congenital oronasal fistulas are difficult sucking, the appearance of milk in the
nostrils and secondary infection of respiratory system (rhinitis, tracheitis, aspiration
Symptoms in acquired oronasal fistulas are sneezing, discharge from one or both nostrils,
excessive tearing, bleeding from the nose and secondary infections of the respiratory tract.
Diagnosis should be based on history, probing, periodontal pockets, regurgitation,
radiography (RTG), magnetic resonance image (MRI) and coputerised tomography (CT).
Treatment is antibiotic therapy and surgery. It is always necessary to provide adequate
postoperative analgesia and mouth hygiene.
Secondary complications in the treatment of oronasal fistulas are: infection, dehiscence of
sutures, the flap not repairing due to poor blood flow, flap rejection as an foreign body |