Title (english) Respiratory distress in dogs
Author Lana Bogdanović
Mentor Vesna Matijatko (mentor)
Mentor Mirna Brkljačić (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Kiš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Matijatko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirna Brkljačić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dalibor Potočnjak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Abstract Respiratorni distres je jedno od najhitnijih stanja u veterinarskoj medicini te je zbog toga
potrebno njegovo brzo prepoznavanje i liječenje. Uspjeh u liječenju takvih pacijenata temelji
se na brzom prepoznavanju uzoraka disanja te lokalizaciji procesa. Bolesti dišnog sustava koje
mogu dovesti do respiratornog distresa podijeljene su u četiri grupe koje uključuju (1) bolesti
gornjih dišnih prohoda, (2) bolesti donjih dišnih prohoda, (3) bolesti plućnog parenhima i (4)
bolesti pleuralnog prostora. Klinički znakovi mogu biti nespecifični, ali mogu biti i
karakteristični za određenu grupu bolesti što olakšava lokalizaciju procesa u dišnom sustavu.
Pristup liječenju ovisi o etiologiji bolesti i o intenzitetu kliničkih znakova, no u slučaju
respiratornog distresa, inicijalni pristup uključuje stabilizaciju pacijenta primjenom kisika i
sedativa. Prognoza varira od povoljne do izrazito nepovoljne što ovisi o primarnom uzroku,
kliničkim znakovima i metodama liječenja. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti uzroke respiratornog
distresa, njegovu kliničku prezentaciju s obzirom na lokalizaciju, metode liječenja i ishod
bolesti. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 20 pasa sa znakovima respiratornog distresa,
zaprimljena i liječena u Klinici za Unutarnje bolesti Veterinarskog fakulteta u Zagrebu u
razdoblju od 16 godina. Bolesti gornjeg dišnog sustava bile su uzrok respiratornog distresa u
30% slučajeva, bolesti plućnog parenhima također u 30%, bolesti pleuralnog prostora u 15%, a
„bolesti miješane etiologije“ u 25%. Od kliničkih znakova najčešće su zabilježeni dispneja i
tahipneja (90%) te pooštren dišni šum (50%). Najzastupljenija dijagnostička metoda bio je
rendgen (95%), a u pasa s bolestima pleuralnog prostora i torakocenteza (100%). Nakon
stabilizacije pacijenta, daljnje liječenje ovisilo je o primarnom uzroku respiratornog distresa.
Prognoza je varirala od povoljne do izrazito nepovoljne. Najpovoljnija je bila u skupini bolesti
gornjih dišnih prohoda (50%), dok je u ostalim skupinama bila pretežito nepovoljna (60-66%).
Abstract (english) Respiratory distress is one of the most urgent conditions in veterinary medicine, therefore it is
necessary to quickly recognise it and provide treatment. Success in patient management is based
on the recognition of breathing patterns and localisation of the process. Causes of respiratory
distress can be divided into four groups consisting of (1) upper airway diseases, (2) lower
airway diseases, (3) parenchymal and (4) pleural space diseases. Clinical signs do not have to
be specific, but oftentimes they can be indicative of specific disease group, which facilitates the
localisation of the process in the respiratory system. Treatment of respiratory diseases depends
on the etiology and intensity of clinical signs, but in the case of respiratory distress, initial
approach includes oxygen therapy and sedatives to help minimize stress and stabilise the
patient. Ultimate prognosis can vary from good to grave, depending on underlying etiology,
clinical signs, and treatment. The goal of this research was to identify the causes of respiratory
distress, their clinical presentation depending on the localisation, treatment methods and
4outcome. Included in the research were 20 dogs with signs of respiratory distress that were
presented and treated at the Clinic for Internal diseases of the Veterinary Faculty in Zagreb, in
the period of 16 years. Upper airway diseases were the cause of respiratory distress in 30%,
parenchymal diseases were also represented in 30%, pleural space diseases in 15% and mixed
etiology diseases in 25% of cases. Clinical signs that were most often reported included
dyspnoea and tachypnea (90%). Second to them were abnormal lung sounds (50%). Thoracic
radiography was the most common diagnostic method in all groups (95%), alongside
thoracocentesis which was the most common diagnostic procedure in dogs with pleural space
disease (100%). After initial stabilisation, further treatment depended on the primary cause of
respiratory distress. Prognosis varied from good to grave. The best prognosis had dogs with
upper airway disease (50%), while for dogs in other groups prognosis was mostly poor (60-
respiratorni distres
uzorci disanja
Keywords (english)
respiratory distress
breathing patterns
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:178:420478
Study programme Title: Veterinary Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine (doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-20 07:58:57