Abstract | Višestruke endokrinopatije su rijetka pojava u veterinarskoj medicini, a češće se
javljaju u pasa nego u mačaka. Najučestalija kombinacija bolesti je šećerna bolest s
konkurentnim hiperadrenokorticizmom. Klinička prezentacija endokrinopatija često je vrlo
slična što bitno otežava njihovu dijagnostiku, no endokrinološki testovi omogućuju precizno
mjerenje koncentracije pojedinih hormona u krvi te njihov odgovor na stimulaciju. Cilj ovog
diplomskog rada bio je pregledom arhivskih podataka Vef. Protokola Klinike za unutarnje
bolesti Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu proučiti pojavnost, kliničku sliku te
uspješnost dijagnostičkih postupaka i liječenja višestrukih endokrinopatija (VE) u pasa i
mačaka u razdoblju od 1.1.2000. do 31.12.2022. U istraživanje je temeljem ulaznih kriterija od
ukupne bolničke populacije (45065 pasa i 9804 mačke) bilo uključeno 162 psa s HAC-om, 124
psa i 31 mačka s DM-om, 82 psa i 2 mačke s hipotireoidizmom, 56 mačaka s HT-om, 32 psa s
hipoadrenokorticizmom te 1 pas s feokromocitomom. Višestruke endokrinopatije zabilježene
su u 43 psa dok u mačaka nisu potvrđene. Dvije konkurentne endokrinopatije zabilježene su u
97,7%, a tri u 2,3% pasa. Čistokrvne pasmine, posebice terijeri, bili su zastupljeniji od
križanaca, a kuje od mužjaka. Psi s VE su većinom bili srednje ili starije dobi, u rasponu od 6
do 16 godina. Najčešći simptomi bili su: PU/PD sindrom, dermatološki simptomi, inapetencija
i gubitak tjelesne mase, prošireni abdomen i letargija. Najučestalije promjene u laboratorijskim
nalazima krvi zastupljenih pasa bile su povišene aktivnosti AP-a i ALT-a, hipertrigliceridemija
te hiperkolesterolemija. Prosječno trajanje liječenja nakon dijagnosticirane druge ili treće
endokrinopatije iznosilo je 14,2 13,5 mjeseci. Komplikacije tijekom liječenja zabilježene su
kod 83,7% pasa. Povoljan ishod liječenja utvrđen je u 44,2% pasa, nepoznat u 34,9%, a
nepovoljan u 20,9%. |
Abstract (english) | Presence of multiple endocrinopathies is a rare occurrence in veterinary medicine that
is more common in dogs rather than in cats. The most common combination of
endocrinopathies is diabetes mellitus with concurrent hyperadrenocorticism. Clinical
presentation of endocrinopathies is commonly very similar which makes complicates
diagnostics, yet endocrine tests provide precise measurement of blood hormone levels and their
response to stimulation. The goal of this research was to review medical records of dogs and
cats and to investigate the occurrence, the symptoms and the success rate of diagnostics and
treatment of multiple endocrinopathies between January 1st 2000 and December 31st 2022.
Among entire hospital population in this period (45065 dogs and 9804 cats) there were 162
dogs with hyperadrenocorticism, 124 dogs and 31 cats with diabetes mellitus, 82 dogs and 2
cats with hypothyroidism, 56 cats with hyperthyroidism, 32 dogs with hypoadrenocorticism
and 1 dog with pheochromocytoma which met the inclusion criteria and thus were included in
the research. Multiple endocrinopathies were recorded in 43 dogs but not in any cat. Two
concurrent endocrinopathies were recorded in 97,7% dogs while three in 2,3% dogs. Purebred
breeds, especially terriers, were overrepresented in comparison with mixed breed dogs, as well
as females compared to males. The dogs with multiple endocrinopathies were mostly middleaged and old with a range between 6 and 16 years. The most frequent symptoms were PU/PD
syndrome, dermatologic signs, inappetence and weight loss, enlarged abdomen and lethargy.
The most common laboratory abnormalities were elevated AP and ALT activity,
hypertriglyceridemia, and hypercholesterolemia. Average duration of treatment after the
diagnosis of the second or the third endocrinopathy was 14,2 13,5 months. Complications
during treatment were established in 83,7% of the dogs. The outcome was favourable in 44,2%
dogs, unknown in 34,9% and negative in 20,9% dogs. |