Abstract | Protist Giardia duodenalis spada u carstvo Protozoa, koljeno Metamonada, red Diplomonadida,
porodicu Hexamitidae i rod Giardia. Pripadnici ovog roda nastanjuju i parazitiraju na stijenci
crijeva različitih vrsta sisavaca, ptica, gmazova, vodozemaca i riba te su rasprostranjeni po cijelom
svijetu. Ovaj parazit se u nositelju pojavljuje u dva oblika, a to su vegetativni (pokretni) oblik,
odnosno trofozoit te cista (nepokretni, invazijski oblik). Iako su invazije ovim parazitom često
asimptomatske, ipak mogu u osjetljivih skupina životinja uzrokovati bolest koja rijetko može
završiti i fatalno. G. duodenalis kompleks sadrži nekoliko genetskih skupina opisanih kao skupine
A-H od kojih su neke i zoonotske. Klinički znakovi bolesti se javljaju desetak dana nakon invazije,
a karakterizira ih proljev, gubitak apetita, a samim time i težine. Glavni izvor invazije su
kontaminirana hrana i voda. Širenje nastupa fekooralnim putem, međusobnim kontaktom životinja
lizanjem, pijenjem kontaminirane vode, hranom. Bolest je moguće dijagnosticirati koprološkom
pretragom metodama sedimentacije, flotacije, te SAFC metodom (natrijevog acetata, acetatne
kiseline, formalina i dietil etera) pomoću mikroskopa i to nalazom cisti i/ili trofozoita, te direktnom
imunofuorescencijom pomoću fluorescentnog mikroskopa. Osim navedenog na tržištu su razvijeni
direktni imunokromatografski testovi i direktni imunoenzimni testovi, te PCR. U tekstu su opisane
pojedine metode, njihove prednosti i nedostatci. Najčešće korišteni su brzi testovi temeljeni na
imunoenzimskom i imunokromatografskom principu, međutim zlatni standard u dijagnostici ove
parazitske bolesti predstavlja koprološka pretraga. |
Abstract (english) | The protist Giardia duodenalis belongs to the kingdom Protozoa, phylum Metamonads, order
Diplomonadida, family Hexamitidae, and genus Giardia. Members of this genus inhabit and
parasitize on the intestinal wall of different species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and
fish, and are distributed throughout the world. This parasite appears in two forms in the host,
namely the vegetative (mobile) form, i. e., the trophozoite and the cyst (immobile, invasive form).
Although invasions with this parasite are often asymptomatic, they can still cause a disease in
susceptible groups of animals that can rarely end up fatally. G. duodenalis species complex
contains several genetic groups described as groups A-H, some of which are zoonotic. Clinical
signs of the disease appear about ten days after the invasion, and are characterized by diarrhea,
loss of appetite, and therefore weightloss. The main source of invasion is contaminated food and
water. Spread occurs by fecal route, mutual contact of animals by licking, drinking contaminated
water, food. The disease can be diagnosed by coprological examination with sedimentation,
flotation and the SAFC method (sodium acetate, acetic acid, formalin and diethyl ether) by
microscopic finding of cysts and/or trophozoites, and direct immunofluorescence by fluorescent
microscope. In addition direct immunochromatographic tests and direct immunoenzyme assay
have been developed on the market, as well as PCR,. The text describes individual methods, their
advantages and disadvantages. The most commonly used are rapid tests based on immunoenzyme
and immunochromatographic principle, however the gold standard in the diagnosis of this parasitic
disease is coprological examination. |