Title Ekonomski učinak primjene pripravka Apimast u liječenju subkliničkog mastitisa muznih krava
Title (english) The Economic Impact of the Administration of Apimast in the Treatment of Subclinical Mastitis of Dairy Cows
Author Tea Rosin
Mentor Jelena Šuran (mentor)
Committee member Frane Božić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Šuran (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Andreja Prevendar-Crnić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-10-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Public Health and Food Safety
Abstract Mastitis je upala mliječne žlijezde uzrokovana ulaskom mikroorganizama kroz sisni kanal i savladavanjem obrambenih mehanizama vimena, a ima značajan utjecaj na proizvodnju i reprodukciju mliječnih goveda te se smatra najvažnijom i najskupljom bolesti u industriji visoko proizvodnih mliječnih goveda. Da bi mogli detaljno izračunati ukupan trošak mastitisa na nekoj farmi moramo uzeti u obzir sve troškove koje sama bolest nosi te uz to zbrojiti trošak koji nastaje prilikom kontrole i suzbijanja
... More bolesti. Mastitis se javlja u obliku subkliničke ili kliničke infekcije, a uzrokovan je širokim spektrom mikroorganizama. Pad mliječnosti krava radi kliničkog ili subkliničkog mastitisa smatra se najvažnijim ekonomskim čimbenikom bolesti. Smanjena proizvodnja mlijeka zbog subkliničkog mastitisa kod jedne krave može se povezati s povećanim brojem somatskih stanica u mlijeku. Što je veći broj somatskih stanica to je manja proizvodnja mlijeka i obrnuto. Osim samog pada proizvodnje mlijeka moraju se napomenuti i veliki troškovi farmi za mlijeko koje se baca za vrijeme i nakon uporabe antibiotika do isteka karencije. Cijena tog odbačenog mlijeka čini veliki trošak pa zato proizvođači pokušavaju maksimalno smanjiti korištenje antibiotika i lijekova s karencijom, a osim toga, pretjerana uporaba antimikrobnih lijekova uvelike je pridonijela rezistenciji mikroorganizama. Pošto se u zadnje vrijeme intenzivno radi na solucijama koje bi mogle smanjiti barem dio antibiotika koji se koristi, Hedera d.o.o. (Split, Hrvatska) u sklopu projekta i suradnje s Veterinarskim fakultetom u Zagrebu razvila je inovativnu, bezalkoholnu intramamarnu formulaciju na bazi propolisa i fenolnih kiselina pod nazivom Apimast. Glavne prednosti ove formulacije jesu nepostojanje karencije i najvjerojatnije nemogućnost razvoja rezistencije mikroorganizama. U ovom radu uz pomoć bioekonomskog modeliranja učinjena je simulacija prihoda i troškova na prosječnoj EU farmi sa i bez primjene Apimasta. Za izračun svih troškova mastitisa na farmi u EU korišten je programski alat naziva „Cost of Mastitis Calculation Tool for EU28“. Naša pretpostavka bila je da će se uporabom Apimasta smanjiti ukupni troškovi bolesti na nekoj EU farmi. Rezultati su pokazali da bi Apimast smanjio broj slučajeva kliničkog mastitisa na EU farmi od 100 krava sa 21 na 15 te tako smanjio trošak za 500€ godišnje, a pojavu subkliničkog mastitisa sa 19% na 12% te tako smanjio trošak za 1,105€ godišnje. Prosječan godišnji trošak bolesti po kravi uz uporabu
Apimasta smanjio bi se za 22€ odnosno s uporabom Apimasta iznosio bi 94€, a bez uporabe 116€. Godišnji troškovi preventivnih mjera mastitisa na prosječnoj EU farmi od 100 krava bili bi 200€ jeftiniji prilikom uporabe Apimasta. Ukupan godišnji trošak bolesti na EU farmi od 100 krava iznosio bi 212€/ kravi prilikom uporabe Apimasta i 236€/krava bez uporabe Apimasta, odnosno ušteda bi iznosila 24€ po kravi godišnje. U ovom istraživanju dokazali smo da je uporaba Apimasta isplativa, a osim toga, korištenje propolisa u liječenju i prevenciji mastitisa predstavlja veoma zanimljivu ekološku i javnozdravstvenu alternativu korištenju antimikrobnih pripravaka koja je zapravo nužno potrebna u današnjem svijetu. Less
Abstract (english) Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland caused by the entry of microorganisms through the suction canal and mastering the defense mechanisms of the udder. It has a significant impact on the production and reproduction of dairy cattle and is considered to be the most important and costly disease in the dairy industry. In order to be able to calculate in detail the total cost of mastitis on a farm, we had to take into account all the costs borne by the disease itself, plus the cost
... More of preventive measures and the cost of disease control. Mastitis is caused by a wide variety of microorganisms and it occurs in the form of a subclinical or clinical infection. The decline in milk yield of cows due to clinical or subclinical mastitis is considered to be the most important economic factor of the disease. Reduced milk production in one cow may be associated with an increased number of somatic cells in milk due to subclinical mastitis. The higher number of somatic cells, the lower the milk production and vice versa. In addition to the decline in milk production, it must also be pointed the high costs of discarded milk that are thrown away during and after antibiotic use, until the withdrawal period expires. The cost of this discarded milk is a huge expense, so manufacturers are trying to minimize the use of antibiotics and withdrawal drugs. In addition, the overuse of antimicrobials has greatly contributed to the resistance of microorganisms. The scientists are working hard on the solutions that could reduce at least some of the antibiotics that are used. Hedera d.o.o. (Split, Croatia) as part of a project and collaboration with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Zagreb has developed an innovative, non-alcoholic intra mammary formulation based on Propolis and phenolic acids called Apimast. The main advantages of this formulation are the lack of withdrawal time and most likely the inability of microorganisms to develop microbial resistance. In this paper, using the bioeconomic modeling, a simulation of income and costs was performed on an average EU farm with and without using Apimast. A software tool called the "Cost of Mastitis Calculation Tool for EU28" was used to calculate all costs of mastitis on a farm in the EU.
In this paper our assumption was that using Apimast would reduce the overall cost of the disease on an EU farm. The results showed that Apimast could reduce the number of clinical cases on an average EU farm of 100 cows from 21 to 15, thereby reducing the cost by € 500 per year and the incidence of subclinical mastitis from 19% to 12%, thus reducing the cost by € 1,105 per year. The annual average cost of the disease per cow with Apimast would decrease by € 22, so with Apimast using the cost would be € 94, and without using it € 116. The annual cost of mastitis prevention measures on an average EU farm of 100 cows would be € 200 cheaper when using Apimast. The total annual cost of the disease on an EU farm of 100 cows would be € 212 / cow when using Apimast and € 236 / cow without Apimast, which means a savings of € 24 per cow per year will be made with Apimast. In this research, we have proven that the use of Apimast is cost-effective. In addition, the use of Propolis in the treatment and prevention of mastitis is a very interesting environmental and public health alternative to the use of antimicrobials that is in reality absolutely necessary in today's world. Less
bioekonomsko modeliranje
Keywords (english)
bioeconomic modeling
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:178:663359
Study programme Title: Veterinary Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine (doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-11-02 08:26:22