Abstract | Iako ptice različitih vrsta sve češće postaju kućni ljubimci diljem svijeta, vlasnici vrlo često nisu upoznati sa njihovim minimalnim potrebama za smještajem i ishranom, te mogućim prijenosima bolesti, posebice zoonoza. Stoga su njihove zdravstvene poteškoće vrlo često vezane uz neprikladno držanje i ishranu, što posljedično uzrokuje stres i pad imunosti, te ih čini sklonim i sekundarnim bakterijskim infekcijama. Kako bi se spriječio i prijenos mikroorganizama, neophodno je prepoznati njihovo fiziološko zdravstveno stanje, poznavati normalnu mikrofloru i na vrijeme uočiti patološke procese.
Obzirom da o sastavu bakterijske mikroflore ptica kućnih ljubimaca, posebno vrsta roda Enterococcus spp., nema puno literaturnih podataka, ovim istraživanjem stekao se uvid u njihovu pojavnost u ptica zaprimljenih u Klinici Zavoda za bolesti peradi u razdoblju od veljače do listopada 2020. godine. Od ukupno pregledanih 392 ptice različitih vrsta, spola i dobi, uzeto je 184 uzoraka za mikrobiološku pretragu. Daljnja identifikacija do razine vrste obavljena je pomoću MALDI TOF metode. Od ukupnog broja uzetih uzoraka, njih 55 (29,89%) bilo je u potpunosti negativno, dok je preostalih 129 (70,1%) bilo pozitivnih, te su nađene različite vrste Gram pozitivnih i Gram negativnih bakterija. Iz ukupno pet uzoraka (3,87%) izdvojene su bakterije roda Enterococcus, te su identificirane vrste E. faecalis (iz četiri uzorka) i E. faecium/E. hirae (iz jednog uzorka). Bakterije Enterococcus sp. izdvojene su u većini slučajeva iz obrisaka kloake ili skupnog uzorka izmeta, dok je u samo jednom slučaju E. faecalis izdvojen iz obriska ždrijela.
Sve ptice iz kojih su izdvojeni enterokoki imale su određene kliničke znakove bolesti, te se u skoro svim slučajevima radilo o jako mladim ili mladim jedinkama. Također, spomenute bakterije izdvojene su iz skupnih uzoraka izmeta, obrisaka kloake i/ili ždrijela, što potvrđuje nalaze ostalih istraživanja u kojima je dokazano da se ove bakterije uobičajeno nalaze na sluznici probavnog i respiratornog sustava. Iako su ptice od kojih su potjecali pozitivni uzorci pokazivale različite znakove bolesti, nije moguće utvrditi da li se radilo o primarno patogenom djelovanju enterokoka ili vjerojatnije o kombinaciji negativnih predisponirajućih čimbenika, padu otpornosti i sekundarnim bakterijskim infekcijama, u kojima su i enterokoki imali jednu od uloga. |
Abstract (english) | Although birds of different species are increasingly becoming pets around the world, owners are often not aware of their minimum needs for accommodation and food, and possible disease transmissions, especially zoonoses. Therefore, their health problems are very often related to inadequate accommodation and nutrition, which in turn causes stress and decreased immunity, and makes them prone to secondary bacterial infections. In order to prevent the transmission of microorganisms, it is necessary to recognize their physiological health status, know the normal microflora and detect pathological processes in time.
Considering that there is not much literature on the bacterial microflora of pet birds, especially the species of the genus Enterococcus spp., this research gained insight into their occurrence in birds admitted to the Clinic of the Department of Poultry Diseases in the period from February to October 2020. Out of a total of 392 birds of different species, sex and age examined, 184 samples were taken for microbiological examination. Further identification to the species level was performed using the MALDI TOF method. Of the total number of taken samples, 55 (29.89%) were completely negative, while the remaining 129 (70.1%) were positive, and different types of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria were isolated. Bacteria of the genus Enterococcus were isolated from a total of five samples (3.87%), and species E. faecalis (from four samples) and E. faecium / E. hirae (from one sample) were identified. Bacteria Enterococcus sp. were isolated in most cases from cloacal swabs or pooled faecal sample, whereas in only one case E. faecalis was isolated from a pharyngeal swab.
All birds from which enterococci were isolated had certain clinical signs, and in almost all cases they were very young or young individuals. Also, the mentioned bacteria were isolated from pooled samples of feces, cloacal swabs and / or pharynx, which confirms the findings of other studies in which it was proven that these bacteria are commonly found on the mucosa of the digestive and respiratory systems. Although the birds from which the positive samples originated showed different signs of disease, it is not possible to determine whether it was primarily the pathogenic action of enterococci or more likely a combination of negative predisposing factors, decreased resistance and secondary bacterial infections, in which enterococci also played a role. |