Title Hitna stanja u neonatologiji pasa
Title (english) Emergencies in Neonatology of Dogs
Author Helena Laković
Mentor Marko Samardžija (mentor)
Mentor Iva Šmit (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Folnožić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirna Brkljačić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Samardžija (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nino Maćešić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Abstract Neonatologija je područje veterinarske medicine specijalizirano za njegu i liječenje
različitih patoloških i hitnih stanja novorođenčadi. Neonatalno razdoblje temelji se na potpunoj
ovisnosti novorođenčeta o majci zbog nepotpunog razvoja neurološkog sustava pedijatrijskih
pacijenata uključujući vid, sluh te spinalne reflekse. Neonatalni period u štenadi spada u jedno
od najrizičnijih perioda u životu jedinke što se očituje sa čak 11-13 % neonatalne smrtnosti. U
veterinarskoj medicini
... More pojam novorođenče obuhvaća štenad od rođenja do 2. tjedna starosti,
dok se pojam pedijatrijsko odnosi na štenad između 2 tjedna i 6 mjeseci starosti. Štenad u
starosti do 12 tjedana često obolijeva i pritom predstavlja težak izazov kliničarima u liječenju.
Razlog tome su jedinstvene fiziološke, biokemijske i hematološke razlike između
novorođenčadi i odraslih pasa. Upravo razumijevanje hitnih stanja u neonatologiji te
poznavanje razlika u dijagnostici, praćenju i liječenju kritično bolesnih neonatoloških pacijenata
u usporedbi sa kritično bolesnim odraslim psima omogućava veterinarima postizanje
maksimalnog stupnja preživljavanja. Specifičnosti fiziološkog nalaza u pedijatrijskih pacijenata
uključuju: nizak krvni tlak, smanjen udarni volumen srca, povećan minutni volumen srca,
povećanu frekvenciju rada srca, nižu tjelesnu temperaturu, povišen broj udisaja u minuti,
smanjenu sposobnost glomerularne filtracije, šum na srcu do starosti od 6 mjeseci te mnoge
hematološke i biokemijske specifičnosti. U novorođenčeta je potrebno provesti detaljan klinički
pregled u svrhu ranog otkrivanja patoloških i po život opasnih stanja. Pritom je veterinar u
mogućnosti promptno reagirati i time povećati novorođenčetu šansu za preživljavanje. Prilikom
intenzivne njege neonatoloških pacijenata, najveću pažnju pridaje se 4H načelu koje se odnosi
na monitoring hipoksije, hipotermije, hipoglikemije i dehidracije. Dojenje predstavlja glavni
izvor prehrane za novorođenčad pri čemu kolostrum osigurava pasivnu imunost, energiju i unos
hranjivih tvari. Kolostralni prijenos antitijela od izrazite je važnosti zbog endoteliohorijalne
vrste placente koja dopušta minimalan prijenos antitijela na fetus psa. Vrlo je važno da štenci
dobiju kolostrum unutar prvih 24 do 72 sata nakon rođenja zbog toga što nakon 24 sata u
crijevima izostaje apsorpcija zbog promjene crijevnog pH, proteolitičkih enzima i gubitka
specifičnih receptora. Metabolizam lijekova u novorođenčadi se u velikoj mjeri razlikuje od
metabolizma kod odraslih pasa. Razlog tome su nezreli bubrežni i jetreni mehanizmi, razlike u
količini tjelesne masti, ukupnih proteina i albumina. Less
Abstract (english) Neonatology is a field of medicine specialized in care and treatment of various pathological
and emergency conditions of newborns. The neonatal period is based on the complete
dependence of the newborn on the mother due to the incomplete developtment of the
neurological system of pediatric patients including vision, hearing and spinal reflexes. The
neonatal period in puppies is one of the most risky periods in the life of an individual, which is
manifested by as much as 11-13% of
... More neonatal mortality. In veterinary medicine, the term
newborn includes puppies from birth to 2 weeks of age, while the term pediatric refers to
puppies between 2 weeks and 6 months of age. Puppies up to 12 weeks of age often get sick
and represent a difficult challenge to clinicians. The reason for this is the unique physiological,
biochemical and hematological differences between newborns and adult dogs. It is the
understanding of emergencies in neonatology and the knowledge of the differences in the
diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of critically ill neonatological patients compared to
critically ill adult dogs that enables veterinarians to achieve the maximum survival rate.
Specifics of physiological findings in pediatric patients include: low blood pressure, decreased
heart rate, increased cardiac output, increased heart rate, lower body temperature, increased
number of breaths per minute, decreased glomerular filtration capacity, heart murmur up to 6
months of age and many hematological and biochemical specificities. The newborn needs to
undergo a detailed physical examination for the purpose of early detection of pathological and
life-threatening conditions. In doing so, the veterinarian is able to react promptly and thus
increase the newborn's chance of survival. During intensive care of neonatological patients, the
greatest attention is given to the 4H principle, which refers to the monitoring of hypoxia,
hypothermia, hypoglycemia and dehydration. Breastfeeding is the main source of nutrition for
newborns where colostrum provides passive immunity, energy and nutrient intake. Colostral
antibody transfer is of paramount importance because of the endotheliochorial type of placenta
that allows minimal antibody transfer to the dog fetus. It is very important that puppies receive
colostrum within the first 24 to 72 hours after birth because after 24 hours there is no absorption
in the intestines due to changes in intestinal pH, proteolytic enzymes and loss of specific
receptors. Drug metabolism in neonates differs greatly from metabolism in adult dogs. The
reason for this is immature renal and hepatic mechanisms, differences in the amount of body
fat, total protein and albumin. Less
hitna stanja
4H načelo
Keywords (english)
4H principle
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:178:204429
Study programme Title: Veterinary Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine (doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-09-16 07:17:00