Sažetak | Cilj ovog istraživačkog rada bio je uz pomoć ultrazvučne pretrage odrediti koje su se
bolesti mokraćnog sustava javile u pasa i mačaka pregledanih u Veterinarskoj ambulanti More
u Šibeniku. Istraživanje je trajalo od 15. svibnja do 30. kolovoza 2024. godine, tijekom kojeg
vremena je u istraživanju pregledano 60 životinja (33 psa i 27 mačaka) sa sumnjom na probleme
vezane uz mokraćni sustav. Životinje su bile različite dobi (najmlađa životinja je imala 6 dana,
a najstarija 18 godina) i spola (30 mužjaka i 30 ženki). Od kliničkih simptoma koji upućuju na
poremećaje mokraćnog sustava najčešći su utvrđeni hematurija (22 slučaja) i dizurija (13
slučajeva) te povišena koncentracija ureje i kreatinina u krvnom serumu (18 slučajeva).
Dijagnosticirane bolesti su bile cistitis (33,33 %), kronično zatajenje bubrega (25 %), prostatitis
(10 %), uroliti (8,33%), akutno zatajenje bubrega (5,00 %), pijelektazija (5,00%), hidronefroza
(3,33%), neoplastična promjena mokraćnog mjehura (3,33 %), renalna masa (3,33 %) i
distenzija mjehura (1,67 %). Kao slučajni nalaz pronađene su ciste u prostati kod jednog psa,
jedna cista unutar kore bubrega psa te četiri slučaja hiperehogenih područja unutar bubrega za
koje nije ustanovljeno jesu li nefroliti ili je došlo do drugih patoloških procesa. S obzirom da je
ultrazvučnom pretragom postavljena dijagnoza u 78,33% slučajeva, ultrazvučna dijagnostika
se pokazala se kao uspješna metoda dijagnostike kod sumnje na poremećaje mokraćnog
sustava. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The goal of this research was to discern, with the help of ultrasonography, which urinary
tract diseases occurred in dogs and cats in the Veterinary Clinic More in Šibenik. The research
lasted from the 15th of May till the 30th of October 2024, during which time 60 animals (33 dogs
and 27 cats) were examined. The animals were of differing ages (with the youngest of six days
of age, and the oldest 18 years old) and genders (30 males and 30 females). Of the clinical
symptoms that point to urinary tract problems, the most commonly found were hematuria (22
cases) and dysuria (13 cases) as well as elevated concentrations of urea and creatinine in the
blood serum (18 cases). Diseases that were diagnosed were cystitis (33,33%), chronic kidney
failure (25,00%), prostatitis (10,00%), uroliths (8,33%), acute kidney failure (5,00%),
pyelectasis (5,00%), hydronephrosis (3,33%), neoplastic changes of the bladder (3,33%), renal
mass (3,33%) and bladder distension (1,67%). As an incidental finding, we determined a cystic
lesion in the prostate of one dog, one cyst in a dog’s kidney cortex and four cases of
hyperechogenic foci inside the kidney, for which it has not been established whether they are
nephroliths or areas of mineralization of different origin. Ultrasonography was a useful tool in
diagnosing 78.33% of the cases and therefore proved to be a successful diagnostic method for
suspected urinary tract disorders. |