Sažetak | Interdigitalna flegmona zarazna je bolest u pravilu je akutnog tijeka lokalizirana u
međupapčanom području goveda, a zahvaća kožu međupapčanog prostora i potkožno tkivo.
Bolest je patognomonična po ispoljavanju progresivne hromosti, simetričnom oticanju
zahvaćenog papka i krunskog dijela kože te razvoju nekrotičnih kožnih fisura popraćenih
neugodnim mirisom, ljuštenjem kože i eksudacijom. Primarni uzročnik jest gram negativni
anaerob Fusobacterium necrophorum, oportunistička bakterija intenzivnog tova junadi. Uz
navedeni mikrob, razvoju bolesti pogoduje i infekcija Dichelobacternodosus-om, a u
pojedinim istraživanjima izolirane su i bakterije poput Prevotelle intermedie te
Porphyromonas levii. Progresijom bolesti, odnosno izostankom primjene adekvatne
antimikrobne terapije, životinja ne opterećuje zahvaćenu nogu te može doći do apscediranja
okolnih struktura kao što su distalne tetive i ligamenti što u konačnici dovodi do razvoja
digitalnog artritisa, tendovaginitisa ili osteomijelitisa, a u najgorem slučaju i septikemije.
Prethodno spomenuti lokalizirani simptomi ove bolesti popraćeni su i sistemskim
problemima kao što su povišena temperatura i pad apetita što neposredno dovodi do
smanjene konverzije u tovne junadi. Terapiju je neophodno započeti što ranije, a kombinacija
lokalnog i sistemskog antimikrobnog liječenja uglavnom dovodi do zadovoljavajućih
rezultata. Imajući na umu da razvoju F. necrophorum-a pogoduje vlažna okolina ispusta,
neadekvatna briga o papcima te traume međupapčanog prostora, ključna je preventiva uz
maksimalno poboljšanje uvjeta držanja kako bi se bolest spriječila. Hromost kao posljedica
IF uzrok je značajnih ekonomskih gubitaka i smanjenja dobrobiti tovnih goveda. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Bovine foot rot, an infectious disease with an acute course, localized in the
interpalatal area of cattle, affects the skin of the interpalatal space and subcutaneous tissue.
The disease manifests with progressive lameness, symmetrical swelling of the affected hoof
and crown part of the skin, and the development of necrotic skin fissures accompanied by an
unpleasant odor, peeling of the skin and exudation. The primary causative agent is the gramnegative anaerobe Fusobacterium necrophorum, an opportunistic bacterium of the beef cattle.
In addition to the mentioned microbes, infection with Dichelobacter nodosus also favors the
development of the disease, and in some studies, bacteria such as Prevotella intermedia and
Porphyromonas levii have also been isolated. With the progression of the disease, i.e. the
absence of adequate antimicrobial therapy, the animal is not using the affected leg, and the
surrounding structures such as distal tendons and ligaments may become abscessed, which
ultimately leads to the development of digital arthritis, tendovaginitis or osteomyelitis, and in
the worst case, septicemia. The previously mentioned localized symptoms of this disease are
also accompanied by systemic problems such as elevated temperature and loss of appetite,
which directly leads to reduced conversion in beef cattle. It is necessary to start the therapy as
early as possible, and the combination of local and systemic antimicrobial treatment generally
leads to satisfactory results. Bearing in mind that the development of F. necrophorum favors
the moist environment of the outlet, inadequate care of the hooves and the trauma of the
interpalatal space, prevention is key with the maximum improvement of housing conditions
to prevent the disease. Lameness as a result of foot rot is the cause of significant economic
losses and a decrease in the well-being of beef cattle. |